Author: thetajlgroup


We are thrilled to introduce the TAJL Group and Ascenior’s flagship program for 2025: Retirement Life Coaching. This innovative initiative is designed to help individuals navigate the journey into retirement with confidence, purpose, and clarity. Retirement is more than a transition—it’s an opportunity to rediscover your passions, set meaningful goals, and embrace a fulfilling new […]


OUR VISION STATEMENT: “To champion transformative change by empowering communities to stand resilient against inequity, amplifying underrepresented voices, and advocating for just and fair opportunities for all. Equity Rangers envision a world where systemic barriers are dismantled, inclusivity thrives, and every individual has the means to reach their full potential, driving forward a legacy of […]

Graduation Season

“On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty.” – Rumi As countless individuals receive their diplomas, marking the culmination of their educational voyage, they are granted validation to embark upon the vast sea of life. Yet, that diploma merely symbolizes a quarter […]

Shake Off the Cold

“In March winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too.”― Jean Hersey This serves as a reminder to seek solace amidst the currents of change. From the chill of adversity and life’s hurdles emerges the promise of renewal. As my father often imparted, “Out of […]


“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” — Albert Camus In winter, discover your inner essence and contemplate the unique qualities that define you. Just as the sun gleams on the icy landscape, let introspection illuminate your inner self. Witness your personal growth and radiance. Embrace […]

Thought for August

“Breathe the Sweetness that Hovers in August.” – Denise Levertov As we are entering the month of August, we begin to see changes occurring around us. When looking at the word occurring, we find the definition to be around existing, happening, taking place or under particular conditions. Change is constant and with seasons we see […]

Thought for July

I don’t remember when I came across this mini story, but wanted to share it for the thought of July. Read through it and look inside yourself to see what you discover. Coffee? Tea? Joy? Happiness? Fear? Anger? How are you processing those tough times in life? Find Joy in life and in all you […]

Summer Thought

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. Audrey Hepburn What are you planting this Summer? The ability to grow through change? What is it that brings light to your day? Look at Summer as a time to get outdoors and explore. Focus on today and what is around you so that tomorrow brings […]